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Turn Down and Save: Winter 2023/24

Terms & Conditions for the Loop Turn Down and Save Service

These Terms and Conditions apply to the Loop Turn Down and Save Service (the “Service’), which is part of the National Grid Electricity System Operator (“ESO”) Demand Flexibility Service. By entering this Service, you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions:


  1. The Service will be operated by Trust Power Limited (trading as Loop), a company registered in England and Wales with registered number 10144503 and registered office at Stirling Square, 5-7 Carlton Gardens, London, United Kingdom, SW1Y 5AD (“Trust Power”, “we”, “us”) and our trusted partner / data processor.
  2. These terms and conditions, together with any specific rules set out in any communications relating to the Service, are the Service rules (“Rules”) and apply to this Service. By entering this Service, you are agreeing to be bound by these Rules and any other applicable instructions.
  3. Trust Power reserves the right to cancel or change the Service and/or the Rules without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on our website.
  4. In the event of any dispute regarding any aspect of the Service, the decision of Trust Power shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  5. The Terms and Conditions for this Service are separate from the terms and conditions for the Loop mobile app and websites and will not affect your rights and obligations under those terms.


Service Participation

  1. There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to take part in this Service. Entrants must be 18 or over. Only residents of Great Britain (excluding Northern Ireland) are eligible to sign up to Loop and take part in the Service.
  2. To be eligible for the Service, you must:
    1. be a user of the Trust Power app: Loop
    2. have consented to, and not remove your consent for, sharing your smart meter data with us and our trusted partner / data processor. Your smart meter half-hourly data will be read by us and our trusted partner / data processor on a daily basis until such time as you opt out of our Service, or the Service comes to an end
    3. have a working electricity smart meter which is half-hourly metered, is actively communicating with the DCC (Smart Meter Network) and has done for at least 30 days prior to the first Turn Down and Save event, with sufficient data to allow baselining of your usage in accordance with the methodology approved by ESO.
    4. opt-into the Service by accepting these Terms and Conditions
    5. comply with these Terms and Conditions at all times
    6. not participate in the Demand Flexibility Service with another provider
    7. not be involved in providing any other balancing related services to ESO
    8. not, by entering into the Service, breach the terms of any agreements you have with energy suppliers, ESO, or any other distribution network operator (DNO)
  3. Trust Power may offer to control a range of battery energy storage systems (“Batteries”) in order to reduce demand and/or export electricity to the grid during Turn Down and Save events. For users who agree to Trust Power controlling their Batteries, we / our trusted partner / data processor will endeavour to control the Battery to deliver a demand reduction and/or export electricity during each Event. To be eligible to participate in the Service with a Battery, you must:
    1. own a Battery that Trust Power has agreed to control
    2. consent to the Battery being controlled by Trust Power/our trusted partner / data processor for the purpose of delivering a demand reduction and/or export electricity during the event period. This may include instructing the battery to charge ahead of the event period.
    3. warrant that the Battery is connected to the internet and capable of being reliably controlled remotely by Trust Power/our trusted partner / data processor for the purpose of delivering the Service
    4. warrant that Trust Power/our trusted partner / data processor shall not be in breach of any warranties associated with the Battery, whether manufacturer warranties or otherwise
    5. provide Trust Power/our trusted partner / data processor with the serial number and matching check code for the Battery and the export MPAN for the property, so we can verify that data is accessible for that export MPAN


All users who have given Trust Power control over their Battery will be opted-in to each Event automatically. If you no longer wish to take part in Turn Down and Save you must inform Trust Power. You may still be entered into Events for up to two business days after you inform Trust Power.

  1. The Service will run from November 2023.
  2. We expect there to be 12 “Events” between November 2023 and the end of March 2024, and there may be further Events beyond that.
  3. Provided you have not agreed to Loop controlling your battery:
    1. You can decide which Events to participate in. We will contact you by email in advance of each Event to confirm the date, time, and available reward per kWh turn down (the “Incentive”) for the Event, as well as the conditions to receive the Incentive. The Incentive may vary for each Event. We cannot guarantee a minimum number of events. You must opt-in to the Event before it begins to be eligible for the Incentive unless you have given Trust Power control over your Battery in accordance with Clause 8.
  4. You will be paid the Incentive for each Event where you have opted in and you turn down your electricity consumption sufficiently (as specified on each Event-specific email), as measured by your smart meter and relative to your “Baseline”. We will keep a running total of your rewards from taking part in Turn Down events. This total will be converted to a voucher and sent to you in April 2024. If there are Events beyond March 2024 we will confirm a schedule for vouchers for further rewards.
  5. The Service will be remunerated by ESO and we will use data from your smart meter to calculate your individual demand reduction achieved during each event. We aggregate (sum up) all of our customers’ demand reduction during each event, and submit this data to ESO for settlement. Where demand reduction is achieved, ESO pay us for delivery of the Service based on the calculated total demand reduction volume our customers achieve, multiplied by the value per kWh which has been agreed with ESO for each event. This value per kWh may vary per event, and we cannot guarantee a minimum value. Our intention is to share 80% of this revenue with customers who participate in the Service. With the other 20% used to cover our costs of providing this service. We may change our reward methodology during the winter in order to achieve this split of revenue. We expect the value to be £3.00/kWh for at least the first six Events. The next six Events may, at the discretion of ESO, be run as “Competitive Events”, meaning that for each event, we/our trusted partner / data processor will submit a bid price per kWh. If the bid is accepted by ESO, you will be able to participate in the Event. We/our trusted partner / data processor will use reasonable endeavours to achieve the highest price possible, whilst aiming to ensure that bids are accepted by ESO, according to the Pay-as-Bid system being used for the DFS Scheme. Each participant will have their Baseline electricity consumption calculated for them by Trust Power and our trusted partner / data processor using the baselining methodology approved by ESO. This calculation uses your smart meter data to generate a personalised Baseline electricity use for the period of the Event.
  6. If we stop being able to retrieve your meter data or you move house, we reserve the right to remove you from the Service.
  7. If you are no longer eligible for the Service – see Clauses 7 and 8 – we reserve the right to remove you from the Service.
  8. By entering the Service, you warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete. If any information you submit is found to be fraudulent or incorrectly completed or if Trust Power has reasonable grounds to believe that you have breached any of the Rules, Trust Power reserves the right to disqualify you from the Service.
  9. Trust Power will not be liable to reimburse any expenses incurred with entering the Service.
  10. You can opt out of the Service at any point by following the instructions at https://kb.loop.homes/how-to-opt-out-of-turn-down-and-save.


Data Protection and Publicity

  1. Trust Power’s privacy policy shall apply to any data collected in connection with this Service and can be found on our website at https://loop.homes/policies/.
  2. Trust Power and our trusted partner / data processor will share customers’ MPANs (Meter Point Administration Numbers),  half hourly electricity consumption, Baseline and reduction data, (combined for all customers in each of the 14 GSP Groups), with ESO in order to fulfil the Service. For auditing purposes, ESO may request detailed half hourly data for a specific Event, which may include individual customers’ consumption data. By entering the Service you agree to your information being used in this way.
  3. Trust Power in its sole discretion reserves the right to withdraw or vary the Rules and/or any offer made in connection with them in order to comply with the decision of any relevant judicial or regulatory body and shall not be held liable to any entrant for so doing.
  4. Trust Power will inform you of your reward vouchers via email. If you unsubscribe from emails then Trust Power will not be able to provide you with your rewards.