
Secure Your 90% Insulation Subsidy This Winter

Fastest Payback Ever for Solar Panels - Act Now!

Loop is now powered by Procode!

We’re excited to announce that Loop has been acquired by Procode, a leader in energy tech. With their support, we’re committed to bringing you even smarter energy solutions as we help to make energy easy!

Exclusive Solar Offer: Buy One, Get One FREE!

We’ve partnered with Utilita Home to bring you this game-changing offer. Say goodbye to upfront costs too, with their solar subscription from £75/month.

Should you switch to a fixed tariff? Find out! Sign up to Loop’s Switch and Save

Loop Support

Whether you’re a new Loop user seeking guidance on getting started, a seasoned pro looking for advanced tips, troubleshooting, or answers to your queries, you’re in the right place.

Here to Assist: Your Loop Journey Starts with Us

Explore our comprehensive resources, FAQs, and guides curated to harness the full potential of Loop – whether that’s saving money or reducing your carbon emissions. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, our dedicated support team is always at your service, ready to assist you on your Loop journey. 

Simply send us an email at support@loop.homes

Alternatively, self-diagnose your issue with our quick and easy troubleshooting tool.

Loop mobile app screen of daily electricity tracking pink bar graph and spend of £1.63

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of using Loop?

Integrating your smart meter with the free Loop app takes your energy data to the next level. A smart meter in-home display and your energy supplier’s app are just energy monitoring tools. Loop brings your energy data to life. Loop users cut their consumption by an impressive 15% - that’s a saving of around £250, equating to a carbon saving of 310kg CO2e per year for an average dual-fuel household.

Track your energy usage over a range of timeframes, access your smart meter data and energy costs - even if you don’t have a working in-home display, access personalised insights like whether you’re a high energy user, discover our handy Appliance Calculators and best-practice advice. You can also link Loop to Alex-enabled devices, making it even easier to avoid the dreaded bill shock. 

Loop helps you understand other easy savings like reducing your Phantom Load - the name for the wasted energy in your home. It makes up around 30% of the average energy bill. Just by switching off appliances, you could save £290. 

It doesn’t stop at improving your household’s energy efficiency. Loop is a roadmap to a zero bills home. With unique features like our Solar Simulator and Carbon Caclualator, you can access personalised calculations for investing in technology that will completely cut your energy costs. We work with trusted installers to make these plans a reality. Not only do changes like installing solar panels save you money long-term, they can significantly cut your carbon footprint too.

We all need to make a positive impact on the climate crisis and Loop’s EcoMeter takes carbon cutting to the next level. Our dynamic app dashboard and carbon forecast shows you when more renewable energy is being used on the grid, so you know the greenest times to do high-energy tasks like using your washing machine.

Loop also helps you earn rewards by simply using less energy at peak time, with the Summer and Winter Turn Down and Save schemes.

How much money can I save with Loop?

On average, Loop users cut their energy use by 15% - that’s a saving of around £250. But that’s not all. 

Just by seeing what you’re using and what it’s costing you can cut your usage by 3% - around £75. Reducing your Phantom Load - the wasted energy that makes up around 30% of the average energy bill, could save you £290. You can also earn money through Loop’s Turn Down and Save scheme, simply by using less energy at peak times. 

With Loop's Carbon Calculator, you can take these savings even further. Discover the green technologies, from solar panels to heat pumps, that can propel your energy expenses to zero and pave the way for a bill-free future.

How do I know if I have a smart meter?

Around half of UK household now have a smart meter fitted. If you’ve had a new meter fitted since January 2009 it’s likely you have one. 

If you’re no longer having your meter read, you’re not being asked to provide meter readings and you’re not receiving estimated bills, these are other strong indicators that you have a smart meter. 

A way to be definitive is to look at your electricity meter. If the serial number of the meter starts with “19P” then it’s a first generation smart meter. If it starts with “19M” it’s a second generation smart meter.

Loop is compatible with most second generation meters and most first generation meters. We expect to be compatible with all first generation meters soon.

How do I sign up to Loop?

If you have a smart meter, simply set up your free account here. Loop is available on both iOS and Android devices. Getting set up only takes a matter of minutes, then you can access all of Loop’s great features.

Support videos

Watch our video on how to create your Loop account


Watch our video on how to link Alexa to your Loop account
