
Secure Your 90% Insulation Subsidy This Winter

Fastest Payback Ever for Solar Panels - Act Now!

Loop is now powered by Procode!

We’re excited to announce that Loop has been acquired by Procode, a leader in energy tech. With their support, we’re committed to bringing you even smarter energy solutions as we help to make energy easy!

Exclusive Solar Offer: Buy One, Get One FREE!

We’ve partnered with Utilita Home to bring you this game-changing offer. Say goodbye to upfront costs too, with their solar subscription from £75/month.

Should you switch to a fixed tariff? Find out! Sign up to Loop’s Switch and Save

Loop Integration with Alexa

If you have an Alexa-enabled device at home, link the Loop skill and access Amazon’s Energy Dashboard. Ask Alexa how much energy you’re using, energy-saving tips and more.


Alexa logo on light blue background on top of the Loop logo on black background

What is Amazon's Energy Dashboard?

Embark on your energy-saving journey with Amazon’s Energy Dashboard, powered by the Loop Alexa Skill. This innovative tool allows you to effortlessly monitor and control your energy usage through voice commands, creating a more intuitive and connected experience.

Why Integrate Loop with Alexa?

Revolutionise your energy monitoring experience with the Loop and Alexa Skills integration. Stay in control of your energy consumption and costs, avoid bill shock, and embrace a smarter, voice-powered approach to managing your energy consumption.

Simply ask Alexa how much energy you’ve used today, this week, today, over the last month, in gas or electricity, energy-saving tips and more.

Alexa Echo device with Loop weekly electricity tracking bar graph on the dashboard

How to Link Loop with Alexa

Empower your smart meter experience by linking Loop with Alexa. Follow these simple steps to seamlessly integrate Loop with your Alexa-enabled devices:

Sign Up to Loop (It’s free!)

Join the Loop community by signing up for your free account. Gain access to your smart meter.

Link Loop in Minutes

Once registered, the process of linking Loop to Alexa takes just a few minutes. Simply log into your Loop account via your Alexa app.

Navigate to Alexa App Skills & Games

If you already have the Alexa app on your phone, navigate to More > Skills & Games. Search for ‘Loop Energy’ to locate and launch the Loop skill.

Follow On-Screen Instructions

Launch the Loop skill and follow the on-screen instructions to seamlessly link your Loop account with Alexa.

Activate Loop with a Simple Voice Command

Open the Loop skill by saying, “Alexa, open Loop Energy,” and begin asking your energy-related questions. Enjoy the convenience of both seeing and hearing your energy insights.

Loop mobile app screen showing monthly electricity use through pink gradient bars and monthly spend of £40.72 and 198kWh

Is 30% of your bill wasted energy?

Every day, power is wasted without you even realising. We call this Phantom Load and it accounts for 30% – around £250, of the electricity used in an average home. 

Uniquely, Loop measures your Phantom Load so you know just how much you’re wasting. Then, follow our simple actions and tips to help identify and eliminate it.

Nicky - "Loop and Alexa - a welcome addition"
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Loop has already helped us reduce our electricity and gas usage so I was intrigued to try the Alexa version. Adding the skill to Alexa and linking my Loop account was really simple and I’m able to easily check usage so far today or this week to see whether usage is as expected. My daughter keeps grabbing my phone to check how we’re doing too - great that it’s helped her engage with our energy usage!
Timbers - "Energy monitoring skill - about time"stall it now"
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Great to finally have an Alexa skill I can use with my smart meters to understand my energy usage better - particularly as energy costs are so high. Easy to set up, as well as summarising how much elec or gas I've used in the last day or week - it has some helpful energy-saving tips too
Rob - "Fantastic"
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I already had the Loop app on my phone, so was excited to find out i could access it on my Echo Show too. Setup took less than a minute, and it works great - even shows how much electricity I’ve used so far today.

Related Guides

How To Save Money On Your Energy Bills

Any households can make savings from some simple efficiency changes. If you’re only going to do a few things to save money on your energy bills, these are the low-effort, high-reward steps to take.

Compare Energy Use

You may know how much energy your household uses each year, and at what cost. But have you any idea how that compares to other, similar homes? Seeing how it compares could cut your consumption by 3%.

Understanding Phantom Load: How to Save on Wasted Energy

Are your energy bills higher than expected even though you’re diligently turning off appliances and lights? The answer could lie in the hidden culprit known as “Phantom Load”.