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We’re excited to announce that Loop has been acquired by Procode, a leader in energy tech. With their support, we’re committed to bringing you even smarter energy solutions as we help to make energy easy!

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We’ve partnered with Utilita Home to bring you this game-changing offer. Say goodbye to upfront costs too, with their solar subscription from £75/month.

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James’ Story: Taking Part In Turn Down and Save

James* has been a Loop customer since July 2022. He first heard about Turn Down and Save on social media, when he was researching solar PV, in an effort for him and his family to be more sustainable and greener. Passionate about reducing energy usage amidst the energy crisis, James involved his family, including foster children, in the initiative.

During the events, the household engaged enthusiastically, turning off lights, avoiding device charging, and refraining from using high-energy appliances like the oven or dishwasher. These events were eye-opening for everyone, especially the children, gaining a better understanding of energy consumption.

Inspired by Loop’s Turn Down and Save scheme, James had solar panels and a home battery installed, which has reduced their bills by an impressive 80%. This further helped as it meant he could use free solar energy to power devices during the events. Overall, James has noticed a behavioral shift in the way they use energy, as they still made sure that they used the washing machine or dishwasher earlier in the day or later in the evening.

James found the Turn Down and Save scheme immensely valuable, particularly for encouraging awareness among foster children about energy bills and consumption. The impact was not just financial but educational, empowering the next generation to make informed choices about energy usage.

* All users real names have been changed


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