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Appliance Running Costs: Tips for Energy Savings

At Loop, we’re here to help you use your appliances efficiently. Understanding the financial impact of running everyday devices is crucial to saving money.


Purple washing machine on pink circular background

1. Washing Machine Running Cost

Ever wondered about the cost of running your washing machine? In a family home, where it might see daily use, the annual running cost for an A-rated washing machines is around £45, compared to £76 for an E-rated models. Choosing an A-rated washing machine will cost around £100 more to buy than an E-rated versions, but will save you around £350 over it’s lifetime. To minimise this expense:

Run your machine at 30 degrees or lower, reducing energy consumption by 40% compared to higher temperatures.

Fill it up to maximise efficiency, and use the half load program if needed.

Opt for the highest spin cycle to remove excess water so that clothes will dry quicker in the tumble dryer.

Purple washing machine on pink circular background

2. Tumble Dryer Running Cost

Tumble dryer costs vary widely based on efficiency, ranging from £50 a year for a heat pump dryer, £139 for a vented tumble dryer and £127 annually for condenser dryers. You could see lifetime savings of £6,398 by choosing a heat pump tumbler dryer vs a model with the lowest efficiency rating. For efficient drying and savings:

Fill the dryer adequately but avoid overloading.

Consider adding a dry tea towel. It can significantly reduce drying time.

Regularly clean filters and secure buttons on duvet covers to avoid other laundry getting stuck inside and not drying properly.

Use the power of the sun to dry clothes outside when possible .

Open dishwasher with plates inside on pink circular background

3. Dishwasher Running Cost

Running your dishwasher contributes to about 8% of your electricity bill. On average it will be costing you £69. A-rated dishwashers save £393 over their lifetime compared to E-rated models. That’s a yearly running cost of around £52 for an A-rated dishwasher compared to £88 for an E-rated version. To cut dishwasher running costs:

Ensure you run full loads.

Use the eco setting so it will use less power to heat the water. Your dishes will still be just as clean!

TV with multicoloured stripes on pink circular background

4. TV Running Cost

Televisions account for 33% of the electricity used by household electronic devices, costing around £27 annually. To reduce TV running costs:

Choose the highest rated model for your budegt when upgrading.

Lower the brightness when possible.

Turn off TVs properly instead of leaving them on standby to avoid ‘Phantom Load‘ costs.

Open fridge with food and drink inside on pink circular background

5. Fridge and Freezer Running Cost

On average, a fridge freezer costs £86 per year. But all fridge freezers aren’t created equally. An E-rated model can have an annual running cost of £120, whereas an A-rated version could cost around £51. The choice between a high or low-rated appliance could unlock lifetime savings of £755. To minimise running costs:

Keep the appliances full for better efficiency. Even if that means adding ice to your freezer and jugs of water to your fridge.

Set the fridge at 5 degrees Celsius or lower, and provide proper ventilation of 10cm around the appliance.

Regularly defrost your freezer. Letting ice build up over a few centimetres will make your freezer work harder to keep your food cool, adding to your energy costs.

Lightbulb on pink circular background

6. Lighting running costs

Lighting accounts for around 11% of the average electricity bill. To minimise running costs:

Swap incandescent and halogen bulbs for super-effieicent LEDs. You could save £11 for each bulb swapped.

Turn lights of when you leave a room. It can save you £18 annually.

Try using sensors for external lights and replace any over-sensitive outdoor security lights. They could be costing you £55 a year.

Purple hot tub with steam rising on pink circular background

7. Hot Tub Running Cost

If you own an inflatable hot tub, beware of potential energy costs – up to an extra £300 per month, totaling £1,200 over four months in summer! To cut hot tub running costs:

Lower the thermostat slightly to save money while maintaining a comfortable water temperature.

Cover the hot tub with a thermal cover when not in use to retain heat.

Consider optimal positioning, avoiding wind and breezes that could cool the water.

For a long-term solution, explore solar panels. Loop’s Solar Simulator feature can calculate how solar panels would offset your hot tub running costs.

How Loop Can Help: Uncover Appliance Costs

With Loop you can look back over your household’s energy usage and see which days and times you spent the most. Then you can make an informed decision about which changes to make to cut your consumption.

In the app, tap on the Tick icon and you’ll be taken to our Actions and Tips page. Here you can access our handy appliance calculators. See how much you’re spending running your appliances and the simple ways to cut costs.

Loop mobile app screen with cards on Optimising Phantom Load and Appliance tips

What Else Can Loop Do?

Loop mobile app screen showing monthly electricity use through pink gradient bars and monthly spend of £40.72 and 198kWh

Save Money on Your Bills

If you don’t know how much energy you’re using and what it’s costing you, then it’s hard to control it. Loop helps you track your consumption, waste less energy, and understand appliance running costs. There’s no need to ever be surprised by your utility bill again – say goodbye to ‘bill shock‘!

Seeing how your home uses energy will help you spot where to use less, saving you money on your energy bills. On average, Loop users cut their energy use by 15%. That’s a saving of around £250. How much could you save?


Loop has helped thousands of users understand their appliance running costs.

Joshua - "Great free app"
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Great free app for tracking your electricity usage if on a smart meter. My smart meter monitor is too far away from the smart meter in my apartment block so I am unable to get readings, and my supplier's app does not supply this, so I was delighted to discover Loop. Loop allows you to see your usage every hour, so it is helpful to monitor what devices use the most electricity and your "phantom load", it’s also helpful to have a broader look through the week and month views.
Sasha - "I found Loop to be extremely helpful..."
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I found Loop to be extremely helpful last winter when energy prices were almost unaffordable. I checked every day and soon got into the habit of turning everything possible off at night to cut down on the phantom load. It taught me to cook in bulk, share a bath, wear more clothes, snuggle under a blanket - anything to avoid turning on the heating. I have recommended Loop to my friends and neighbours and still check regularly to make sure I don't overspend. It's got to be good for the environment - more people should know about it.
Stuart - "Brilliant app"
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Brilliant app - easy to install and quick to gather your data so you can review your spend. I used it to find the energy eaters in our house. I also like the solar panel simulation.

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