Smart Meter In-Home Display: Navigating Issues
Do you have a blank smart meter screen or a broken in-home display? Perhaps you’ve lost it or never had one? Accepting a loss of control and higher bills is not your only option. Loop is here to help.
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What is a Smart Meter In-Home Display?
A smart meter in-home display (IHD) is a small digital screen linked to your smart meter, often given during your installation.
This screen is an energy monitor that gives insights into your live energy use and costs, which is important for understanding how your home uses energy. But, it’s not a guarantee of lower bills. That’s where a smart meter app like Loop is necessary.
Smart Meter Display Problems
An increasing number of households encounter hurdles accessing their energy data through their in-home displays (IHD). Some aren’t given one during their installation, others have lost or broken their displays and have reported long wait times for a replacement – as well as an unwelcome expense!
Flat dwellers regularly report being unable to access their energy data. In flats the meter is often remote from the property, meaning the IHD won’t work as the smart meter and the IHD have to maintain a wireless connection. This denies access to data which is vital for reducing energy use.

How Loop Can Help
The free Loop app is the perfect solution to address smart meter in-home display issues and more. It instantly unlocks your smart meter data on your smartphone, providing unique analysis and the tools to monitor energy usage, make informed decisions about how to use less and save money on your energy bill.
Join thousands of Loop users who have not only overcome IHD challenges but have significantly reduced their energy consumption. On average, Loop users reduce their energy use by 15%.
What Else Can Loop Do?

Is 30% of Your Bill Spent on Wasted Energy?
Appliances left switched on or on standby add to your electricity bill. Every day, power is wasted like this without you even realising. We call this Phantom Load and it accounts for more than 30% (over £250) of the electricity used in an average home.
Uniquely, Loop measures your Phantom Load so you know just how much you’re wasting. Then, follow our simple actions and tips to help identify and eliminate this wasted energy.
Loop has helped thousands of users with a broken, lost or missing smart meter in-home display.
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