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Rewards All Year Round
Whether it’s summer or winter, you have the chance to make a difference to the planet and your pocket. Earn cash rewards throughout the year with Loop. Simply download the free Loop app and, if there is a summer or winter Turn Down and Save scheme running, we’ll invite you to take part.

Winter Turn Down and Save: How It Works
Our winter Turn Down and Save scheme rewards Loop users for using less electricity when the demand is highest, in a number of national energy-saving ‘events’. During these events, participating households try to use less electricity than normal. If you’re successful, you’ll receive a reward for each kilowatt hour less than normal that you use.
Summer Turn Down and Save: How It Works
Our summer Turn Down and Save scheme helps Loop users reduce their carbon emissions. During the warmer months, our ‘events’ take place when the UK electricity grid is at its most polluting. By taking part and turning down, you’ll help to cut national carbon emissions from energy production. We’ll also enter you into a prize draw to earn rewards after each event.

What Else Can Loop Do?

Save Money on Your Bills
If you don’t know how much energy you’re using and what it’s costing you, then it’s hard to control it. Loop helps you track your consumption, waste less energy, and understand appliance running costs. There’s no need to ever be surprised by your utility bill again – say goodbye to ‘bill shock‘!
Seeing how your home uses energy will help you spot where to use less, saving you money on your energy bills. On average, Loop users cut their energy use by 15%. That’s a saving of around £250. How much could you save?
Loop has helped thousands of users save money on their energy bills.
Related Guides

How To Save Money On Your Energy Bills
Any household can make savings from some simple efficiency changes. If you’re only going to do a few things to cut your energy bills, these are the steps to take.

How Much Do Your Appliances Cost to Run?
We’re here to help you use your appliances efficiently. Understanding the financial impact of running everyday devices is crucial to save money on your energy bill.

How to Reduce Wasted Energy
Are your energy bills higher than expected? The answer could lie in the hidden culprit known as “Phantom Load” – our name for wasted energy.