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Welcome to Loop: Your Smart Meter App

Are you ready to smash your energy bills? Join Loop users saving 15% or more with the free Loop smart meter app. How much could you save?

  • Loop app screen of monthly gas use in blue gradient bars
  • Pink Lightning Bolt button
  • Blue gas flame button
  • White cloud
  • White cloud

Unlock the power of your smart meter with Loop

Loop is the leading free energy-saving app for smart meter households. Transform how you manage your energy use. Smash your bills. Enjoy more money in your pocket. Make a positive impact on the planet.

Five Loop app screens with daily electricity use bar chart, weekly use with solar power bar chart, monthly use with solar and battery chart, daily use gas bar chart and weekly use gas bar chart
Loop mobile app screen showing pink bar graph of daily electricity use
Loop mobile app screen of daily electricity tracking pink bar graph and spend of £1.63

Save Money on Your Energy Bills: Loop Users Save £250

Loop helps you track your consumption, waste less energy, and understand appliance running costs. Seeing how your home uses energy will help you spot where to use less, saving you money on your energy bills. On average, Loop users cut their energy use by 15%. That’s a saving of around £250. How much could you save?

Cut Wasted Energy: Save £300 or more

Appliances left switched on or on standby add to your energy bill. Every day, energy is wasted like this without you even realising. We call this Phantom Load and it accounts for more than 30% (over £300) of the average electricity bill. Uniquely, Loop measures your Phantom Load so you know just how much you’re wasting. Then our simple tools and tips help you to identify and eliminate this wasted energy.  

One Loop app screen with pink bar graph showing weekly electricity use and another screen with blue gradients showing monthly gas use
Loop mobile app screen weekly pink electricity tracking bar graphs on the eft and Loop mobile app blue monthly gas tracking on the right

Access Your Smart Meter Data. No IHD, No Problem!

For smart meter households unable to use their in-home display (IHD), Loop is the solution you’ve been looking for. Whether it’s lost, broken or you were never given one, Loop is a free and easy way to access your smart meter data on your phone, putting the power back in your hands.

Loop App screen with pink gradients showing monthly electricity use

Understand Your Appliance Running Costs

Loop goes beyond basic energy monitoring. We help you delve deeper into your household’s energy data so you can understand the running costs of your appliances. With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions about how to use your things more efficiently. 

Loop monthly electricity tracking
Loop app screen of solar playground flowchart showing how self sufficient a user could be after installing solar panels and a battery
Loop solar playground app screen with a flow chart showing that a customer could be 62% self sufficient after installing solar panels and a battery

Discover Your Solar Savings

Interested in generating your own free, clean solar energy? With our solar panel calculator – the Solar Simulator – you can explore the true impact of solar panels on your home. At the click of a button you can see in detail what impact solar panels would have made on your electricity consumption over the last days, weeks and months. Test before you invest and get solar sorted with Loop.

Alexa dashboard screen showing Loop app screen with bar graph of weekly energy use

Alexa, how much electricity have I used this week?

Loop already makes it easy to keep track of your energy usage. Now you can also ask Alexa how much you’re spending on energy and even for energy-saving tips.

See all your energy data on your smartphone and on Alexa-enabled devices. There’s no need to ever be surprised by your utility bill again! Banish ‘bill shock’ with Loop. 

Alexa Echo device with Loop weekly electricity tracking bar graph on the dashboard
Loop mobile app screen showing monthly electricity use through pink gradient bars and monthly spend of £40.72 and 198kWh

The Leading Free Smart Meter App

It’s quick and easy to link the free Loop app to your smart meter, providing a complete overview of your energy expenses. Whether you’re an iOS or Android user, Loop provides easy monitoring, cost control, and improvements to your energy efficiency. Manage your bills in a whole new way with Loop. 

Loop app screen of carbon calculator bar graph
Loop App Carbon Calculator Screen with bar graph showing the tonnes of c02 produced by this user's electricity, heating and car use and the amount of co2 saved by solar power

Lower Your Household's Carbon Footprint

Our Carbon Calculator shows you the profound and personalised impact of making green home improvements: Increasing energy efficiency, installing solar panels, improving insulation, and transitioning to electric heat and transport. Access a net-zero plan tailored to your household.

Loop Ecometer app screen with dark green background

Access Your Green Energy Forecast

Loop’s EcoMeter offers real-time carbon insights that can help you rethink the timing of energy-intensive tasks, such as running your dishwasher or charging your electric vehicle. Aligning these activities with when more renewable energy is on the grid can help you lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Loop Ecometer app screen on dark green background showing lowest carbon grid intensity

Earn Rewards For Using Less Energy at Peak Times

You have a chance to make a difference to the planet and your pocket with Loop’s Turn Down and Save schemes. Earn rewards throughout the year by using less energy when demand is highest. During our first Turn Down and Save scheme, Loop users earned an impressive £120k.